George Verberg publication

The exhibition of my triptych of works that I made for the George Verberg Grant 2019 is rescheduled from opening the 21st of January 2021 to an opening in September 2021 due to Covid 19 regulations.

From the 21st of January 2021 on I will start with writing and compiling a publication about the artistic research process that I conducted for the George Verberg Grant in 2020.

The book will be a report about an artistic research process to understand the life, through movement, of flying insects. The book follows my experiences as an artist (travelling, making notes and sketches, experimenting, making works), but also includes perspectives from different scientists, theorists and other art disciplines. In the book personal reflections, articles, interviews, images, notes and exercises are bundled to give a multifaceted view of the ‘Living lines of the barely noticeable’.

‘Living lines of the barely noticeable’


and I’ll keep you posted about the progress

* indicates required

Linde ExGeorge Verberg publication