Attempts to understand a field is about the urge to understand something of a world that is very close by and is seen as something completely normal in the Netherlands; a green carpet, a meadow. I wanted to make attempts to understand the field, attempts to get a little closer to a world or worlds that I normally don’t see and understand. The attempts are ways of approaching, ways of looking, ways of researching a field, resulting in a catalogue ( of finds. With maps, material research (manure tiles, grass inks), texts, drawings, photos, videos and installations that try to form a bridge between (elements of) the field and an exhibition place with visitors.

Collaboration with Irene Smit; farmer
Collaboration with Marina Labras; pigment laboratory
Input from Rob van Haren; lector at Hanze University
Input from Naan Rijks, Lisa Sportel, Leentje van Hengel; about natural pigments
Input from Geert Jan Geertsma; practical instructor sensor technology Hanze University

Showed in de Suikerfabriek, Groningen, June 2019 and in de Bierumer School, Bierum, August 2019

Linde ExAttempts to understand a field